CMGA: Scoring Review for Hogan Cup & Weekly Tournaments

CMGA Members,

It’s finally September and cool weather has arrived.  Thank goodness! 

I write to provide a scoring review for both the Hogan Cup and tournament play.  The Executive Board strives to ensure scoring is accurate and posted online in a timely manner.  Sometimes the posting of scores is delayed because there may be inconsistencies between the scorecard and online posting during play.  After the game, Members must compare the scorecard with the online score to ensure they match.  Remember, once the scorecard is turned in, any discrepancies found cannot be corrected unless the Member is attending the final scoring review by the Tournament Director.  

After the Tournament Director has finalized the scorecard and posted the online scores, no changes will be allowed.  So, please take the time after the tournament and have all Members of the team review their scores.   The Board works hard to ensure Member scores are posted accurately but we need your help.  Don’t forget to double check your scores and then hand carry your scorecard to the Tournament Director!

The scoring of the Hogan Cup is different in that it is kept on a spreadsheet and prior to Don Gardner posting scores online a review is conducted by Eddie Johnson to confirm results.  

If you have any questions regarding our scoring policy, please contact me.

Best Regards,

John Christmas

CMGA President


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