Chattahoochee Men’s Golf Association

Q1 2024 CMGA Quarterly Board Meeting

President John Christmas called the CMGA meeting to order at 2:36 pm on March 20, 2024 located at the Chattahoochee Golf Course Grill

Roll call was conducted with the following Board and Advisory Committee attendees:

John Christmas, President; Gary Vogel, Vice President; Don Gardner, Treasure; Rich Fleming, Secretary; Tournament Director and Website Manager, George Mah; Advisory Committee: Geoff Derryberry, Eddie Johnson and Steve Hill.

Treasury Report was approved by the President. The following future budget matters were discussed:

  • Co-pay for the July 10th Couples Social at Recess located on the off the Square in Gainesville.

  • Co-pay for the CMGA General Membership Meeting in November 17 at the Chattahoochee CG.

  • Continue with a $15 hold-back to preserve the Hole-In-One prize of $200.

  • Payouts of 40% to the field.

Old Business

  • CMGA 501c7 tax filing was prepared by Haynes Business Services at no charge.

New Business

  • Pace of play will be a continuing priority along with encouraging members to play ready golf.

  • Gary Vogel created a recruiting postcard featuring Tommy Aaron, who approved utilizing his image, to be passed out to the membership for posting.

  • George Mah updated the Membership roster to reflect current members.

  • Gary Vogel contacted local golf courses requesting if a competitive golf event against their men’s league would be of interest. This is still in the planning stage.

  • The Board approved extending the sign-up date for the Hogan Cup beyond April 3rd.

  • The CMGA recently donated a sign-up table and chair to the CGC.

  • The President appointed the following members to the Advisory Committee: Geoff Derryberry, Eddie Johnson, Steve Hill and Gary Palmer.

    • The Board thanked George Mah for accepting CMGA new position as the Website Manager along with volunteering to undertake the duties as Tournament Director until such time Geoff Derryberry returns. The Board also thanks Gary Vogel in assisting George Mah in his duties as Tournament Director. The Board wishes Geoff a speedy recovery.


The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 pm

Minutes submitted by: Rich Fleming, Secretary

Minutes approved by: John Christmas, President