Chattahoochee Men’s Golf Association

CMGA 2nd Quarterly Board Meeting

President John Christmas called the CMGA meeting to order at 2:06 pm on June 26, 2024 located at the Chattahoochee Golf Course Grill

Roll call was conducted with the following Board and Advisory Committee attendees:

John Christmas, President; Gary Vogel, Vice President; Don Gardner, Treasure; Rich Fleming, Secretary; Tournament Director and Website Manager, George Mah; Advisory Committee: Gary Palmer, Eddie Johnson and Steve Hill. Guest Member: Dick Bachman

Treasury Report was approved by the President. The following present/future budget matters were discussed:

  • Continue a $15 hold-back to preserve the Hole-In-One prize of $200

  • Payouts for Hogan Cup will be $250, $200, $125 & $75 per field and awarded during the General Membership Meeting on November 15

  • July Social is budgeted at $914.40 with a per person co-pay of $15

  • General Membership Meeting/Social co-pay will be based on end of year available funds

Old Business

  • Pace of Play continues to be an issue and will be addressed in emails and on the course

New Business

  • Pace of play will be a continuing priority along with encouraging members to play ready golf

  • George Mah/Gary Vogel developed a summarized version of the New Local Rules

  • The July Scramble is set for the 10th with a $10 entry fee

  • John Christmas spoke with Tommy Aaron thanking him for allowing the use of his image along with inviting him to a tournament which he seemed interested

  • Dick Bachman submitted a letter to the Mayor requesting consideration in reducing the “green fees” for both Veterans and seniors

  • Gary Palmer who sits on the City’s Golf Committee will also be seeking the same green fee reduction

  • The Board wishes to thank both Dick and Gary for their efforts

  • Currently CMGA has 62 Members and is growing by the month

  • The Board is considering an increase the annual membership fee for next year


  • The meeting was adjourned by the President at 2:50 pm

Minutes submitted by: Rich Fleming, Secretary

Minutes approved by: John Christmas, President